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9 octobre 2009

Pommes pommes girl

Pommes pommes girl
Three weeks after our jolly harvest in Hägersten , our generous crop has substantially gone down in volume. True enough these apples have been used in a variety of recipes: apple crumbles (of course), compote de pommes (loads of it, with cinnamon and...
27 octobre 2014

Woods, bows and arrows

Woods, bows and arrows
On a Monday when school is closed, we need to find things to do... and in the woods, there is always some kind of adventure that awaits round the corner. Today, we discovered that it was quite exciting to make our own bows and arrows out of twigs and...
17 janvier 2016

Vive le Roi!

Vive le Roi!
Last Sunday was "la galette des rois" for us. The annual tradition is always a success - especially for Otto who, this time, got the fève - a miniature porcelain rolling pin that he manged not to bite, luckily! Lili and I made two extra galettes for school,...
19 août 2012


Lili was sporting her vampire costume, Otto his Super-hero cape and in this attire we paid a visit to Café Sjöstugan, on the north side of Brunnsviken. Strange light, alternating between grey angry skies and bright sunshine. Peter and Lili even went for...
4 septembre 2013

As time goes by...

As time goes by...
Summer came and went, woosh... and we are back to school, that time of year when everything is a bit hard at first and slightly gets better, little by little (we hope!). Back to early morning starts and military (almost) routines, tricky logistics and...
27 décembre 2009

Snow and frost...all the way to England

Snow and frost...all the way to England
We were off to England last Sunday, leaving behind us a very snowy Stockholm indeed. Even though a British winter does not normally quite match a Scandinavian one, it was not far off when we reach Grandma and Grandad's house - snow and frost were causing...
3 janvier 2010


Back in Stockholm, where the thermometer hasn't reached above minus 10 over the last few days...Lots of time spent indoors, as the little ones cannot stay outside for very long, even wrapped up very warm. Yesterday we did a bit of baking, as I fancied...
23 janvier 2010

Deer Poppy

Deer Poppy
Poppy likes pointing at animals in books and magazines. I thgought she might also enjoy looking at deers wandering in the forest while still lying in bed. So here's her new quilt cover, as promised after her brother got his two weeks ago . I had found...
26 janvier 2010

Mother, Father and baby goose - by Lili

Mother, Father and baby goose - by Lili
Lili is growing up, which does not only imply that her clothes are getting too short. It also means that her skills are changing and maturing. On Sunday morning, during a bit of a lull moment, she grabbed a pen and sketched this brilliant family of geese....
11 août 2009


Many more pictures could have been taken and posted here over the last few weeks, but somehow we were a bit busy, travelling between Sweden, England and France, not always remembering to take our camera with us or get it out when opportunate . Never mind....
19 mars 2010

Flowers and feathers

Flowers and feathers
I have been so deeply buried in my studies and so endlessly engrossed in my books lately that I have not been able to do much else or really go anywhere. Meanwhile spring is not progressing (to say the least - we had snow on Wednesday morning ;-() too...
18 mars 2009


Today I spent a chunk of time tidying up the girls' bedroom - putting Barbie things in the Barbie box, the Little Poneys stuff in the Little Poneys box, the animals in the animals box etc. instead of having everything scattered around the flat. It looks...
13 juin 2010

Nordisk n' plastic

Nordisk n' plastic
Plast! is a new exhibition we stumbled upon as we took refuge from the rain into Nordiska Museet. Set up in the main hall of the museum, we had ample opportunities to look at the hundreds of artefacts made of plastic, arranged according to their colourways....
8 mars 2012

Day 4/5

Day 4/5
Fourth day into Lili's unusual week. This time Lili made the trip, to the school and back, with her Dadd,y as I had to get in to work early. So Pete was the one to experience the interesting journey to Manilla. The 69 bus route is definitely one of the...
16 août 2007

Comfort food

Comfort food
So, here were the elements of today's challenge: rainy day, no school for Lili (tutors' training day), Poppy at home as usual, an appointment with the speech therapist at 1pm that annoyingly cuts the day in half, Pete at work. Well, well, well...Good...
25 janvier 2008

Pots and paints

Pots and paints
Do you know what? This Poppy is a really tough cookie! She is really having a go at fighting her latest bug, so much so that the doctor who met her again this morning was impressed at how her infection levels had gone down in her blood. Thanks Ms Penicillin!...
28 août 2007

Fun run

Fun run
The Tjejmilen is the biggest race for women only in Sweden! I registered (foolishly) back in May, thinking I would have loads of time to train over the summer...Hhhhmmm, things never go as planned, do they? Anyhow, I had to run it for Poppy I had told...
23 février 2008

In the wind

In the wind
Pete had started his balsa plane model some time in the autumn and worked on it whenever possible - ie 30mn here and there once the girls were in bed. He finished it last week, so it was time to try it out, especially on a beautiful - if a bit windy -...
27 novembre 2007


Gosh, it has taken me so long to finish it! But at last, here it is - thanks to last night's boring television programmes: Baby-baby's wooly dress for the winter! OK, I might need to knit some booties to go with the dress, and maybe a hat too, but it's...
8 avril 2008


When we asked Lili if she had any suggestion for her little brother-to-be's name, she said, very seriously, that she "had one in her head, of course..." but she thought we would not like it. What would that be then? we asked, eagerly. Well... "Donald"...
16 avril 2008

Poppy Lili

Poppy Lili
One of the things you learn when becoming a parent is how to make the most of ANY amount of free time you can get. Yesterday, as I was not at work, nor in a Swedish class and the girls were both at nursery, I actually had a few hours to spare...So I made...
9 mai 2008

Nesting #1

Nesting #1
And because D-Day must be approaching, I have been clearing up, sorting out, rearranging you are supposed to do apparently. Lili and Poppy's bedroom underwent a total spring clean yesterday and it looks much better now! The pictures actually...
13 mai 2008

Shoe rouge

Shoe rouge
It's not always fun to be BB number 2, as you end end up wearing all the stuff your big sister has already tried and tested for you...But sometimes it can be cool also - when you get a chance to wear Lili's old red Converse that she hardly wore because...
19 juin 2008


Mother-Cum-Lovely-Individual? Magical-Creative-Lady-In town? Motherly-Caring-Loopy-Intellectual? Probably a bit of all this in fact, but no no no !!! MCLI stands for Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, which is what I am now officially -received...
21 juin 2008


Slightly less summery on Midsummer's Day, but we still ventured outside for a quick stroll to Gustav Adolf's Parken, between two showers and occasional thunder. Lili is much better, by the way (she has resumed eating and is less tired, yipee!). And the...
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