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{ C' E S T L A V I E }
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30 janvier 2015


Another "map"-type print I had in my stash, which I decided to use for comfy blouse with a peplum. Really like the shades of this fabric. This is a detailed map of Sydenham, actually. Not so far from where we used to live in London...hence the "A-to-Z"...
24 janvier 2015

Little people in the snow

Little people in the snow
While a-bit-under-the-weather-Poppy and Pete were at home, Lili, Otto and I went round Bellevue Parken to test the snow... A good layer indeed, perfect to dive in, make snow angels and throw at each other, but a bit too powdery to form good-sized shapes....
23 janvier 2015

By the water

By the water
I went for a run this morning, and it was beautiful! So much snow still unspoilt and hardly a soul about...wonderful! And the added bonus: the running meant that I did not feel the cold at all - it was minus 4...
18 janvier 2015


Strange week, weatherwise - a lot of snow over two days, a bit of a meltdown to follow and a good re-freeze in the wake of it all...which has resulted in most paths and pavements looking and feeling like ice-rinks! Pretty dangerous (apparently 130 serious...
12 janvier 2015

We were there

We were there
It was snowing, a lot, but this was not going to stop us. We were on Sergels Torg, the central square which has become the symbol of democracy and a gathering place for those in need to express their views, especially minorities. Like several thousands...
{ C' E S T   L A   V I E }