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{ C' E S T L A V I E }
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30 mars 2009

Green hearts

Green hearts
Last week ended on an emotional note as we waved (and hugged and hugged) goodbye to lovely Josefin, who had been looking after Poppy for the last 18 months as her special helper at nursery and has become a dear friend in the process. So these hearts reflect...
29 mars 2009

Earth hour

Earth hour
To do our bit for the planet - and because I love using candles anyway - on Saturday night we switched off the lights and had an intimate "earth hour" between 8.30 and 9.30pm. Soon we won't need lights at all as the days are getting longer and longer,...
27 mars 2009

1+1 x 5 = 5 (+3)...

1+1 x 5 = 5 (+3)...
On a slightly grey British Saturday afternoon, back in 2004, Pete and I tied the knot, as they say. Since then, the 2 of us have become 5...As Pete worryingly pointed it to me, if we carry on at this rate, by the time we celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary...
23 mars 2009

Spagetti - det har du ratt i

Spagetti - det har du ratt i
As a slightly belated birthday celebration we took Lili and seven of her friends to the theatre on Saturday. The play was called "Spagetti - det har du ratt i" and was inspired by Lennart Hellsing, a famous children's book writer who celebrates his 90th...
19 mars 2009

Indulgence day

Indulgence day
First there was the morning trip to school, fine, sunny with very cold wind. I stopped on the way home to get a few bits in anticipation of Easter (the crafts material shop has become my favourite place these days...) and also in the toy shop, as I have...
18 mars 2009


Without wanting to count my chickens before they're hatched, as they say, today I was under the impression that maybe, maybe, a little something like spring was in the air: sun, lots of it, over the city, and what a difference it makes!We might be ready...
18 mars 2009


Today I spent a chunk of time tidying up the girls' bedroom - putting Barbie things in the Barbie box, the Little Poneys stuff in the Little Poneys box, the animals in the animals box etc. instead of having everything scattered around the flat. It looks...
16 mars 2009

Fritillaire pintade

Fritillaire pintade the French name (thanks Mum!) of this interesting looking plant - could not find it in English. The only time I had ever seen it was on C. R. MacIntosh's drawings. I love its graphic chequered petals, so unusual! As you can see, we're still waiting...
16 mars 2009

Pirate girl

Pirate girl
Lili was invited to a 'pirate party' at the Maritime Museum on Sunday. So we tried our best to make her look the part... Last week we had been reading Tintin's adventures with Capitaine Haddock and the treasure of Rackham le Rouge so she was in the right...
11 mars 2009


So far I was recycling paper, plastic, metal, cardboard and glass...This time I have had a go at recycling old items of clothing! My starting point was a woolly pink tank top that no longer fitted me. I added a bit more length and a few matching flowers...
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