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22 avril 2013

Sunny Skansen

Sunny Skansen
With Lili out to scout camp, we were left with two jolly Poppy and Otto to entertain in the sunshine...So Skansen sounded like the best idea, where there is always something to do or to see which we have not experienced before. This time, we got to know...
14 avril 2013

Äntligen vår!

Äntligen vår!
Spring, finally! Today has been our first taste of spring, for good, of the year! Amazing! The snow is almost gone, the sky is blue, the thermometre reaches above 5 degrees! We made the most of the beautiful weather with a long walk along the south side...
5 avril 2013

Fab time in Devon

Fab time in Devon
Not even three days but definitely packed full with joy! A bit of seaside, of fun fair, a day on Dartmoor - complete with pixies, an encounter with poneys and a walk along the river Dart -, we had it all! But best of all: time spent with Pete and Annie,...
5 avril 2013

On our way to Plymouth

On our way to Plymouth
...we stopped in Wells, to admire the cathedral and stretch our legs a bit. Gosh it was freeeeeeeeeeezing cold! We did not make it to the river to feed the ducks or anything, we were too cold. Back in the car for some more Roal Dahl - the BFG this time,...
5 avril 2013

Postcard from Surrey

Postcard from Surrey
Our little Easter escapade started in Surrey, with a bit of a grey day. But St Ann's Hill made us forget the dullness of the morning - a great tree stump tipped to its side turned out to be the most magnificent climbing frame, and the huge lawn around...
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