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29 août 2011


Our weekend felt a bit like "one last summer escapade" - we were kindly invited to spend the two days at our friend Anna's parents' summer house in the countryside( "landet" in Swedish). It was not our first time there, but we realised that the last occasion...
25 août 2011


Yesterday's early evening was not like any other- we enjoyed the visit of my friend Valentina, who was meeting the whole family for the first time. Valentina had offered to come to our house and show Lili how to make real pasta... The prospect sounded...
20 août 2011

Animal rain

Animal rain
We felt a bit cheated when we woke up this morning: copious rain ans clouds, just as the weekend started, after what had felt like a long week...(Poppy is back at pre-school, at last and Lili has had her "back to school" ceremony so things are taking...
14 août 2011

Coy carps and new friends

Coy carps and new friends
The weekend has gone pretty quick, as always, but not at all as planned - well, nothing was really planned, but if it had been, it would not have been so, as we spent a good chunk of time with friends that we did not know just three days ago! To cut a...
13 août 2011

Pops on spots, spots on Pops

Pops on spots, spots on Pops
A few signs that Pops is better: she is smiling and laughing a lot, jumps on our bed often and has started signing again for what she wants - in the last picture, she clearly expresses to us her desire for chocolate...Definitely better then ;-)
9 août 2011

Better soon

Better soon
While Otto's chicken pox rash has almost disappeared, our Poppy has been hit by a particularly violent bout of the same disease - completely unpredictable how the same virus can cause such different symptoms! Poor Pops is now hopefully out of the worse...
5 août 2011

Lili pad-dles

 Lili pad-dles
Poppy, Lili and I decided to go out to yet another beach today, it is so warm and sunny outside not to enjoy it a bit, despite the pox. Poppy and I kept to the shore while Lili went for a few swims. Incredibly nice, right in the center of the city. What...
5 août 2011

Chicken Pops

Chicken Pops
After Otto, logically, it is Poppy's turn to develop chicken pox...Homebound for a few days, then, as we'd rather not be responsible for the contamination of 20 other kids at school...Since I was making bread, Poppy and Lili joined in. The weather is...
2 août 2011

Back to routines, almost

Back to routines, almost
It feels a bit as if a transition week started on Monday, or a first smooth move towards our usual routines... Pete is back at work and Poppy and Otto have resumed their attendance at förskolan. Only Lili and I are still a bit free to spend our days according...
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