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{ C' E S T L A V I E }
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28 avril 2008

(Off the) Road rage...

(Off the) Road rage...
Forget the poneys, Lili was at the wheel of a yellow truck yesterday! Speeding, bumping into other cars, she was fearless and mad with joy!
28 avril 2008

Bear bottoms!

Bear bottoms!
Guess what - we went to Skansen again yesterday! And our perseverance was rewarded! We could see the new cubs in action!
27 avril 2008

Pink Poppy

Pink Poppy
On Saturday, it was Oscar's 4th birthday party. While Lili was running around, busy as she was with chasing the little ones, Poppy was also having a good time, all pink in anicipation of the chocolate cake she had heard about...
26 avril 2008


We already knew how much Poppy liked music - always up for a little clap of her hands or a funny dance when she hears a beat. But what we had not realised is that she is a bit of a CD fetish as well...Can't leave her two seconds next to the shelves, she...
24 avril 2008

More poppies

More poppies
Lili thought her dolly needed a dress as well...and since I had quite a lot of fabric left, I also made a new cover for the floppy cushion (the one that might be useful if I have to spend hours breastfeeding on the sofa in the near future...). Ta-da!
21 avril 2008


What will come first, spring or Bumpa???? A few signs of imminent arrival in both cases... Let's wait and see, shall we?...
21 avril 2008

Happy as a Poppy

Happy as a Poppy
A little snooze, a big smile, great sunshine...Not such a bad life, eh, Pops?
20 avril 2008

Oh! Deer!

Oh! Deer!
Forget about the baby bears, Lili had fun watching the reindeers. And there was even a tiny little one curled up next to its mum...
20 avril 2008

Bear with us...

Bear with us...
The news that three new bear cubs had been born at Skansen made the national headlines a couple of weeks we decided to go and have a look! Unfortunately, the little ones were not so easy to spot as they kept hiding inside a big log - probably...
18 avril 2008

Spot the Lili

Spot the Lili
What was I saying, the other day, about making the most of free time?...Well, yesterday, I had none at all, as both the girls stayed home, Lili with a bit of a tummy ache and Poppy with a bad cold. BUT the weather was SO nice, we ended up spending a good...
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