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18 janvier 2020

Lovely London Lili

Lovely London Lili
The Christmas holidays came and went, two weeks in England with family and friends - we managed to see a lot of people this time and it felt like the fortnight passed in a flash. Between two social visits Lili and I sneeked to London for a day. We saw...
26 janvier 2020

Winter bug hug

Winter bug hug
It's the season...Poppy caught a nasty bug two weeks ago and still hasn't shaken it off. Many days spent indoors, watching movies, old and new. Flash is very supportive and happily spends his afternons at the young patient's side. Comfort comes in many...
17 juin 2008

Thank you Grandmere!!!!

Now I've done a few sums, it sounds even more impressive! Here is a summary of what Grandmere has done for us over the last 4 weeks:- made around 320 cups of tea, with and without milk, green and black;- cooked about 50 meals, and that's not including...
9 septembre 2008


Oh la la, it feels like an eternity since I last had the opportunity to post a message! So much has happened since the end of August!!! If I sum it up, it looks like this: - we filled up 85 boxes and put them all in a big lorry on Friday 29th August around...
16 janvier 2008

Through the looking glass

This morning we had a special session at the rehabilitation centre - Poppy was entertained in turn by her three different therapists (physio, speech- and play-) while Pete and I were watching behind a tinted window, a bit like in gangsta films where baddies...
24 janvier 2008

Deep breath

Well, Poppy's temperature on Monday was a symptom of something a bit nastier than your average cold - she was yesterday diagnosed with pneumonia, after we did an X-ray of her lungs. She has indeed been making noises af if she was breathing through soup,...
20 août 2008

Poppy's little records

Since we are well into the Olympics' season, I thought I'd give you a little update on Poppy's latest achievements. So, over the last three months, here's a few things our Pops has managed to do:- sit up from being lying on the floor;- go everywhere,...
17 octobre 2007

For her eyes (not) only

The meeting had been planned for a while: Poppy's therapists from the rehabilitation centre, her teachers from the nursery and representatives from Stockholm's education authority all gathered with us in a room. 12 grown-ups together devoting an hour...
21 juin 2008

Round figures

I am not talking about mine nor Pops' nor Otto's, no no no - I am only referring to the statistics of the blog: - one year this week, as I started it around Midsummer last year, not quite knowing what I was doing, actually...- 4,000 visitors today, all...
13 février 2009

Bugs galore...

Let's recap. Over the last few weeks we've had colds (Poppy, Otto, myself), ear infection (Poppy), gastric flu (Lili), colds again (Otto, grandmere), so quite a good selection of bugs tempted by the warmth of our cosy family home. And now, we even have...
21 août 2007


Today we took Poppy to see the neurologist at the hospital, as planned after the holiday period. Good news on all fronts: her growth is very healthy indeed (11kg for 78cm, ie 24lb for 2ft7in for those still not accustomed to metric), her development very...
28 mai 2015

A little concert

A little concert
Like every late spring, it was time for the end of term concert for Kulturskolan's pupils. Lili was one of them, and played her cello in the string ensemble with which she practises every week. Always quite cute :-)
30 octobre 2017

Mr Swan

Mr Swan
Mr Swan was having a little wash by the shore, just as we were walking past. Peaceful. I am laughing but I was seriously hoping Mr Swan would not come and bite me...
9 février 2008

Private chalk

Private chalk
I have told you before how Lili was into drawing these days...Well, she is experimenting with new techniques all the time... Chalk on slate is her latest discovery, so she went for individual energetic portraits! Interesting...
1 avril 2009

Mr Pink

Mr Pink
When you have two big sisters, you're bound to inherit a bit of pink in your wardrobe...Mr Otto sports it well, I think - the shocking shade of his top being harmoniously balanced with serious stripes on his trousers. Khaki underwear, for those who really...
15 décembre 2008

One chair, two possibilities...

One chair, two possibilities...
In the space of one day, one chair can witness some contrasted scenes... the Angel the Busig Troll, ie the cheeky monkey Shame Lili is too big for it ;-)
10 mars 2009


Our favourite mermaid was 6 yesterday! What a big girl!
23 avril 2009

Subtle gender activism

Subtle gender activism
- as seen down the road from where we live...I don't know what pleases me most : the rabbit or the little orange dress ;-)
5 juin 2008

We are family...

We are family...
A few snapshots taken over the last few days...from Lili and Poppy discovering their little brother to Otto actually settling in at home. A lot of very happy people, including Grand-mere, who is a such a fantastic help! More to come, as you would exp...
28 avril 2009


We are enjoying the sunny warm weather here in Sweden! A few snapshots of the weekend.
13 novembre 2009

Mud, moss and slate

Mud, moss and slate
No time but still some energy left after hours. So I made Lili three more pairs of trousers. Autumnal mossy, muddy and slatey colours, each time with a zest of lace or sparkle to brighten them up a bit. Et voila! Now I should go back to my studies...
17 avril 2010

Shoot of the shorts

Shoot of the shorts
A fun photo session this morning, trying to capture Poppy's style and cuteness in her new shorts! Otto likes being photographed as well, of course.
24 avril 2009

Dude or what?

Dude or what?
Cord cap for Mr Otto now that the sun's out. He likes it!
24 août 2019

Favourite ride

Favourite ride
Back to riding after the summer break! Otto was with us this time, which was a little surprise. Poppy was as happy as she was when she left the stables back in June. Back on Skramur, her favourite white horse, straight back and very proud!
23 mai 2020


The rapeseed field next door is in full bloom, so is Poppy. Lots of dandelion flowers everywhere, we are surrounded by yellow!
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