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24 novembre 2013

First frost

First frost
First real drop in temperatures this weekend - we woke up to a -4 degrees, with signs of frost on the roofs. Otto and Lili checked it all out, in a small river found on Djurgården : yes, the surface was frozen, the ice a couple of millimetres thick. Exciting...
19 novembre 2013

I was in Spain!

I was in Spain!
I was In Barcelona for three days, a last minute trip connected to work. As my days were full of training sessions, I hardly had the chance to see the city in daylight, but I still walked a good amount - in the pouring rain, who would have thought it!...
10 novembre 2013

On a rainy weekend

On a rainy weekend
To beat the rain, nothing like a bit of creativity with old eggs boxes and cardboard tubes. Add a few pipe cleaners, a couple of stickers, and here come alive a space rocket and an elegant racing horse! Pete is the talented leader in such projects, but...
6 novembre 2013

Poppy's jungle dress

Poppy's jungle dress
Last week I was supposedly enjoying a half-term break, but ended up doing some work when I was not running to medical appointments for Pops or looking after Otto (gastric flu again...). This week I am supposed to be back at work but I have mainly been...
6 novembre 2013

Red eye, yellow boots

Red eye, yellow boots
Otto's eye is still red, although a little better, but not good enough to be back at pre-school...but we could go to the park, to get a bit of fresh air. Running around in the mud when one has yellow wellies on is quite good fun. We played football, basketball,...
5 novembre 2013

Red eye, green face

Red eye, green face
Today Otto had to stay at home, like yesterday, as he had a right eye - pre-school groups do not accept children with such features, as it is a sign of a very catchy inflammation. When Otto expressed the wish to have his face painted, we figured out that...
2 novembre 2013

Out with the ducks

Out with the ducks
It was pretty soft underfoot, due to the copious amount of rain we got over the last few nights. But the walk from Överjärva to Ulriksdals slott was pleasant enough, through the woods and not far from the water. When we stopped for our picnic (the weather...
1 novembre 2013

Ossi dei morti

Ossi dei morti
In Sweden All Saints Day is celebrated on the first Saturday in November. Cemeteries are visited, graves are illuminated with candles and the whole process basically signals that we are entering the darker season... As far as I know, no specific culinary...
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