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27 décembre 2009

Snow and frost...all the way to England

Snow and frost...all the way to England
We were off to England last Sunday, leaving behind us a very snowy Stockholm indeed. Even though a British winter does not normally quite match a Scandinavian one, it was not far off when we reach Grandma and Grandad's house - snow and frost were causing...
18 décembre 2009

In and out

In and out
Yesterday was spectacular in that soooooo much snow fell over the city. Thankfully we can nevertheless enjoy warmth indoors. The hyacinths Grandmere had given us are in full bloom, while the berries are shivering outside... The light is beautiful this...
17 décembre 2009

Chocolate and boxes

Chocolate and boxes
The school term is soon finishing for our three pixies who are going to embrace the festive season wholeheartedly on Friday afternoon. But before they part with their respective teams of teachers, we thought we would surprise Jessica, Mimi, Kristel, Elisabet,...
16 décembre 2009

Snow, it's now!

Snow, it's now!
Even when the forecast is fairly clear about it, it always feels like a surprise when the city gets covered with a thick layer of snow in the space of a few hours. Big downpour on monday and yesterday, with a bit of a blizzard here and there, but beautiful...
6 décembre 2009

Architecture, pepparkakor, monsters etc.

Architecture, pepparkakor, monsters etc.
Living in Sweden in the run-up before Christmas unavoidably means buying /eating / making / smelling / using pepparkakor (litterally "pepper biscuits", but more specifically thin gingerbread biscuits made with spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and juniper,...
5 décembre 2009

Stranger than life

Stranger than life
Two weeks ago the "bigger ones" at Poppy and Otto's nursery school went on a little trip to Bonniers Konsthall , ie the new modern art gallery opened two years ago by the Bonniers family, a stone's throw from our house. When I talked to the teachers about...
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