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25 juin 2009

2 years

2 years
This blog is 2 years old this week! I started it back in June 2007 while I was at home with Poppy, who was slowly recovering from a 6-week stay in hospital after her severe meningitis. My motivation to start the blog was linked to that time of anxiety,...
25 juin 2009

The boy who counts

The boy who counts
Found yesterday in a little local shop, a vintage Swedish abacus. I loved the colours of the beads and Otto was thrilled by the cliclicliclicliclic noise they made when touched. Still some time until he can use it to count his pocket money, but meanwhile,...
23 juin 2009

Green hats

Green hats
Last week Otto had to undergo surgery, as planned - nothing major but the operation still required general anaesthesia. He bravely went through the whole thing, with his daddy as moral support. They enjoyed their jolly hats, it would seem. M. Otto has...
15 juin 2009

Otto's mobile

Otto's mobile
Thanks to Arnold, Michele, Julie and Come, Otto can now race with his sisters on his newly acquired mobile, a fab' red little number! Tried and tested as soon as the UPS delivery man handed him the big box and Pete assembled a few technical bits, like...
9 juin 2009

My world trip - with scissors

My world trip - with scissors
A Japanese pattern, some British fabric, a bit of French voila, a new dress for the summer. For me, actually. Might make something for a little girl (or two) out of the leftovers soon...;-)
9 juin 2009

Lili's trip

Lili's trip
Yesterday Lili went on an excursion with her class - to Fjäderholmarna , ie the group of small islands nearest to the city in Stockholm's archipelago. Pete took part in the trip, together with a few other parents. Lili took most of the pictures. As a...
7 juin 2009

Tittut / Peekaboo / Coucou!

Tittut / Peekaboo / Coucou!
Lili under a huge oak tree, as seen during our walk through Norra skuggan, yesterday.
7 juin 2009

Warm memories

Warm memories
We had a few very warm days last week. Ice cream eating was a must upon our return from school! And to my amazement, the concept of "sharing" seemed to be very well understood among those children - who had 2 lollies amongst the 3 of them...(Having seen...
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