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{ C' E S T L A V I E }

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20 septembre 2010


Our Sunday was made of a series of encounters, some of them chance ones, some more planned. We started off by taking Lili to her friend David's party. Just outside David's house, Lili bumped into Amanda, an old friend who used to go to the same pre-school...
18 septembre 2010


We woke up to a sunny day but by lunchtime the rain caught up with us and seemed to have no intention to stop for many many hours...Fortunately I happened to have read an article in yesterday's paper, a short but enthusiastic piece of journalism praising...
17 septembre 2010


Even if our past tadpole-experiments turned more or less lucky (in one case, a handful of mini frogs born in our lounge vivarium were released in their original water, in another, most our youngsters struggled to survive their short captivity and were...
14 septembre 2010


For years I regularly mumbled about wanting, possibly, if only, maybe, one day, in another life... to learn to play the cello. Until Pete convinced me I should give it a go rather than always talk about it without doing anything concrete about the issue...
13 septembre 2010


As mentioned before, life has become a (fairly) organised affair on a day-to-day basis, in order for everyone to fall back on their feet, morning and evening. One consequence of this daily military routine is a series of planned menus for the few weeks...
12 septembre 2010


To anyone who's spent a bit of time in Sweden the name Marabou is associated with the yellow-and-red plastic-wrapped chocolate bars found at any cornershop or supermarket. A bit like the local equivalent to the deep-purple Cadbury's bars in Britain. Marabouparken...
10 septembre 2010

Greeny pink

Greeny pink
Our days are packed with action at the moment: we are going through a phase of learning new routines and the experience is a bit taxing for everyone... It involves getting up very very early, being super organised for almost everything, from washing to...
6 septembre 2010

Flying again

Flying again
Pete should really be writing this entry as he is the one responsible for today's fun (and pictures)...Indeed, he took care of both Poppy and Otto who were "off" all day, as their school was closed for "planeringsdag". Not many museums nor attractions...
5 septembre 2010

I'd run a mile

I'd run a mile
Three years ago, not long after the birth of this blog and very shortly after Poppy's long stay in hospital, I took part in the Tjejmilen (en mil = 10 km in Swedish) , the 10K-women-only national race. I had not trained at all -there were lots of reason...
30 août 2010


Just like her big sister in March, Poppy was unable to celebrate her birhtday at school with her little friends, as she had a bad cold...She still had a good 4th birthday though, starting at dawn with a present-opening session (the red squarish packet...
{ C' E S T   L A   V I E }