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{ C' E S T L A V I E }

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16 janvier 2008

Through the looking glass

This morning we had a special session at the rehabilitation centre - Poppy was entertained in turn by her three different therapists (physio, speech- and play-) while Pete and I were watching behind a tinted window, a bit like in gangsta films where baddies...
14 janvier 2008

Self-portrait with a crown

Self-portrait with a crown
As she was waiting for her dinner, Lili scribbled on the back of an old photography of herself...and produced a more accurate - she thought - portrait of Lili as a princess. Quite convincing, actually...
12 janvier 2008

La galette des rois!

La galette des rois!
Even though the Swedes celebrate the Epiphany, they don't do it with a French "galette" I had to make one, as it is a very tasty custom to observe. Lots of butter, sugar and ground almond in the filling and shiny golden puff pastry all around, without...
9 janvier 2008

Happy news

After a few worries that took our Pops back to hospital for a few days just before Xmas, we had good news today: the results of her latest EEG are very good, so she is back to creche, ever more smiley than ever. I leave you to imagine how we are feeling...
7 janvier 2008

A little secret...

...revealed during our second scan...Pete is going to be the proud daddy of a little boy! At last!!!Lili knew all along, of course, as she keeps telling us. She is hesitating between several names - Pelle, Donald or maybe Gromit. So there you are...
6 janvier 2008

Santa spirit

Santa spirit
Even though we had left Sweden for England, Santa did not lose track of us! Lili was the first up to discover he had left a big sack of presents for her and Poppy during the night...We all enjoyed the day , the surprises, the hats and the pudding... Thanks...
21 décembre 2007


Lili loves bugs. Small ones, big ones, colourful ones...Here's a picture of one ant she drew at nursery last week... Ok, it looks a bit like a centipede, but we like him anyway!
19 décembre 2007

Sankta Lucia och pepperkakor...

Sankta Lucia och pepperkakor...
If a bit late, here's a glimpse of last week's happy gathering at Poppy and Lili's nursery for St Lucia!Poppy as a gingerbread girl - homemade of course!!! and Lili as Lucia...
18 décembre 2007

Sisters for ever

Sisters for ever
Proof that Lili CAN share: elephant, Lego and even...lap (while mesmerized by the Junglebook) ! What a good big sister!
29 novembre 2007

Clap clap clap

Tonight we had a really nice surprise: Poppy clapped her hands! She was able to do it with energy before she got ill back in April, and here she is again, clapping with a big big smile on her face...and on ours!
{ C' E S T   L A   V I E }