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{ C' E S T L A V I E }

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17 mars 2008

Electricity board

Electricity board
Before it was put away in the loft, Lili wanted to have a go at Pete's snowboard... Just as she knows how to dance /swim/ knit etc. "in her head", she knows how to go down the slopes in (quite a frantic) style... It looked quite convincing in our hall...
17 mars 2008

Shoe box Pops

Shoe box Pops
What do you do when Poppy wants to be right next to you but you need both hands to get cracking with the dinner preparation? sometimes have to resort to slightly unorthodox solutions, but they can help for a few minutes... - Lili thought it...
17 mars 2008


Check-up with the midwife this morning. Everything OK. Good size bump, but nothing out of the ordinary. Week 32 starting tomorrow...8 to go (at least?)! Curvy or what?!!!!
16 mars 2008

Shoe shop Pops

Shoe shop Pops
While Lili was having a whale of a time with other mini princesses - at her friend Antonia's mini birthday bash - Poppy had a go at trying on some big shoes with a big shoe horn on a big chair in a big shoe shop for big people. And it wasn't even Mummy...
15 mars 2008

Snow drops ?

Snow drops ?
On our way back from Ostasiastiska Museet, we found some pretty flowers that looked like snow drops but could be something else. We also encountered a bit of icey hail...Spring definitely not here yet ;-(
15 mars 2008

Kitsch # 2

Kitsch # 2
Pete away skiing up north today, I took the girls far east for a change. Lili was quite curious about the Bollywood artefacts... New types of princesses, I guess...
15 mars 2008

Kitsch # 1

Kitsch # 1
A little girl can never have too much pink nor too many poneys...Demonstration via Lili, the little mother of an ever growing family of pink frilly sparkly - and, let's face it, totally kitsch - animals. Hours of fun, though, which is one virtue I can...
11 mars 2008

Jag ska prata svenska

Jag ska prata svenska
Lady of leisure (as if!) no more...This week I have joined a Swedish intensive course in order to improve my skills in the local linguo. 60 lessons in total, 2 and a half hour every day during the week for over a month. Plus homework! Sleep might become...
9 mars 2008

Happy birthday Lili!

Happy birthday Lili!
For her birthday, Lili expressed the wish to go to the Aquarium. Not a bad choice, given the awful wet weather outside... Both Lili and Poppy actually spent some time INSIDE the aquarium, in the funny tunnel that enables you to see the sharks' tummies...
2 mars 2008

Lili's party at Lilla Posten!

Lili's party at Lilla Posten!
A bit ahead of her actual birthday (next Sunday), Lili had a party at the Post Museum, where a dozen of her best friends joined her. Lots of fun, especially in climbing in / out / over the old postman van and during the workshop where everyone could draw,...
{ C' E S T   L A   V I E }